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Kangen Water USA / Posts tagged "alkaline"
Use of Ionized water-kangenwater.tech

Use of Ionized water in hypochlorhydria & gynecological conditions

Use of Ionized water in hypochlorhydria or achlorhydria Prof.Kuninaka Hironage, Head of Kuninaka Hospital “too manyfats in the diets, which lead to the deposition of cholesterol on the blood vessels, which in turn constrict the blood flow, cause most illnesses such as high blood pressure. In accordance with the theory of Professor Gato of Kyuschu University on Vitamin K (because vitamin K enables the blood calcium to increase), or the consumption of more antioxidant water, the effectiveness of the increase in the calcium in high blood pressure is most significant. The consumption of alkaline antioxidant water for a period of 2 to 3 months, I have observed the blood pressure slowly drop, due to the water’s solvent...

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CLINICAL Improvements of alkaline water-kangenwater.tech

CLINICAL Improvements Obtained From The Intake Of Reduce Water

CLINICAL Improvements Obtained From The Intake Of Reduce Water; Extracts from “presentation at the eighth annual international symposium on man and his environment inf health and disease” on February 245h 1990, at the Grand Kempinski Hotel, Dallas, Texas, USA by Dr.H Hayashi, M.D. and Dr. M Kawamura, M.D., on:- (THE CONCEPT OF PREHEPATIC MEDICINES) Since the introduction of alkaline ionic water in our clinic in 1985, we have had the following interesting clinical experiences in the use of this type of water. By the use of alkaline ionic water for drinking and the preparation of meals for our in-patients, we have noticed:- Declines in blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Improvements in peripheral circulation in...

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ACID-ALKALINE BALANCE-kangenwater.tech


ACID-ALKALINE BALANCE: ROLE IN CHRONIC DISEASE AND DETOXIFICATION Deanna M. Minich, PhD, FACN, CNS; Jeffrey S. Bland, PhD, FACN   Deanna M. Minich, PhD, FACN, CNS, is the Director of Information Integration and Innovation at Metagenics, Inc, and a clinical nutritionist at the Functional Medicine Research Center in Gig Harbor, Wash. Jeffrey S. Bland, PhD, FACN, serves as the chief science officer of Metagenics, Inc, and is president of the MetaProteomics Nutrigenomics Research Center. Several researchers have noted that the contemporary Western diet has increased in net acid load relative to diets of the ancestral pre-agricultural Homo sapiens. 1-3 Quite possibly, this shift occurred because of the agricultural revolution and the ubiquity of processed grains and shelf-stable food...

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