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Kangen Water USA / Posts tagged "Intake"
CLINICAL Improvements of alkaline water-kangenwater.tech

CLINICAL Improvements Obtained From The Intake Of Reduce Water

CLINICAL Improvements Obtained From The Intake Of Reduce Water; Extracts from “presentation at the eighth annual international symposium on man and his environment inf health and disease” on February 245h 1990, at the Grand Kempinski Hotel, Dallas, Texas, USA by Dr.H Hayashi, M.D. and Dr. M Kawamura, M.D., on:- (THE CONCEPT OF PREHEPATIC MEDICINES) Since the introduction of alkaline ionic water in our clinic in 1985, we have had the following interesting clinical experiences in the use of this type of water. By the use of alkaline ionic water for drinking and the preparation of meals for our in-patients, we have noticed:- Declines in blood sugar levels in diabetic patients. Improvements in peripheral circulation in...

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