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Kangen Water USA / Posts tagged "Neutralization"
toxin neutralization-Kangenwater.tech

Toxin Neutralization

Prof.Kuwata Keijiroo. Doctor of Medicine “In my opinion, the wonder of antioxidant water is the ability to neutralize toxins; but it is not a medicine. The difference is that medicine can only apply to individual cases, whereas the antioxidant water can be consumed generally, and its neutralizing power is something that is very much unexpected. Now, in brief, let me introduce to you a heart disease case and how it was cured. The patient was a 35-year-old male suffering from vascular heart disease. For 5 years, his sickness deteriorated. He was in the Setagays Government Hospital for treatment. During those 5 years, he had been in and out of the hospital 5 to 6 times. He...

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